Friday, June 28, 2019


If you'd like to make some updates to the exterior of your home or landscaping, it can be difficult to know where to begin.  This comprehensive article from Sunshine Contracting provides an excellent step by step guide to get your started.  
Exterior remodeling can be a challenge for beginners.  TV renovation shows make remodeling look so quick and easy, but for those new to the process, it can be a different story. You hear about newbies experiencing nightmares with cost overruns, shoddy work and shady contractors. But it doesn’t have to be like that for beginners.
The key to successful exterior remodeling is in planning. It begins with a common question: “I want to renovate my house, so where do I start?” Knowing how to start a renovation and exterior remodel of your house begins with having a clear vision of what you want to achieve, understanding the renovation process and contracting with a reputable company that produces quality work.

There’s a lot to do before signing an exterior renovation contract, though. You’ll often hear the term “due diligence” used in business investments and transactions. That simply means you’ve done your homework and understand where your best value lies. It’s the same principle used in remodeling the exterior of a house. You identify the priorities that will deliver your best renovation value, then plan how to achieve them.
It’s a tremendous help for remodeling beginners to have a clear guide. Having a resource to walk you through the necessary steps to take before starting an exterior remodeling project is more important than having a how-to manual on doing the actual construction work. More beginners get themselves in renovation trouble from failing to properly plan than any other cause. The good news for beginners is that’s totally preventable.

Have a Clear Vision 

So where do I start remodeling a home? What to do first when remodeling a house is to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. You also need a clear vision of why you want to renovate your exterior. There are many reasons that can motivate you to renovate your exterior. They might include:
No matter what your motive for remodeling the exterior of your house, you must have a clear vision of your goals. Once you clearly know your overall purpose, it’s time to get on with the planning process. A step-by-step priority layout will guide you through the planning.

The Planning Process

There’s an old saying that goes, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” It’s true. But it’s so easy to succeed when you properly plan out your renovation process. You need to have that vision of where you’ll end up before you start any physical renovations. The two biggest failures beginners suffer that shatter remodeling dreams is failing to be realistic in their expectations and not setting an accurate budget. Both of these flaws lead to bad contracts and potentially disastrous work.
The first thing to do when remodeling a house is to make a list. You have to be honest with yourself about what you want to achieve and if you can actually afford it. Include these three groups in your list:
Now that you know your exact remodeling purpose and have narrowed down your necessities, it’s time to get specific about money. Unrealistic financial ability is a disaster waiting to happen. Begin by knowing your purchasing limits and your capability of handling that financial load. Do this before going any further in starting designs, picking products and especially before contacting contractors.
You’re sure to have some picture of what renovation funds you have, but you may not be sure of what’s available. Talk to your financial institution and ask where your limits are. That’s not just your borrowing power if you need a loan. It’s also about your debt-service ratio and if you can handle extra payments.
You also need to take a hard look at value. At this point, ask yourself if you really need to proceed. You might be in an immediate situation where your roof has to be redone. But maybe you can put off cosmetic remodeling until you’ve saved extra money or cleared other debt. Something to consider, though, is current economic trends. It might be to your advantage to go ahead and renovate this year before prices rise and an upcycle restricts labor and material supplies.

Setting a Remodeling Budget

The key to setting a successful remodeling budget is to be detailed and realistic. You know why you’re renovating, and you know what you need, want and dream about. You also know what you can afford. Now it’s time to figure out exactly what your renovations will cost.
Set your budget with line-by-line expenses. You need to break down your anticipated costs in detail. Make these line items your budget checklist. Just like your “must-haves” list, anticipate every expense you might incur during your exterior remodeling project. Some suggestions are:
Unexpected events are common in remodeling jobs. In fact, they’re so common that veteran contractors expect them to happen. You never know what you’ll find when you pull off old shingles. You might have rotten sheathing that must be replaced. Once your windows are out, you might find water-damaged sills. Removed siding could reveal nearly anything.
Make sure you allow a cost overrun contingency in your remodeling budget. Ten percent is a good rule of thumb. 15 percent is even better. Whatever you allow, it’s vitally important to have wiggle room for inevitable cost overruns. That includes items you’ve overlooked and items that come with the “that’s extra” clauses so many contractors have.
Being diligent and thorough in setting a realistic budget is your best return on time when remodeling. Many cases of cost overruns aren’t truly a matter of going over budget. They’re the result of under-budgeting in the first place. Take your time in planning your process and setting your budget. You’ll be glad you did.

Take Your Time

Time is your remodeling friend. Don’t turn it into your enemy. The more time you take in carefully planning your process, setting a proper budget and sourcing the right materials and renovation contractor, the more successful you’ll be. Ask any remodelers who were once beginners, and they’ll tell you it’s true.
The truth in remodeling is that everything takes longer than you think. Unfortunately, it’s also true that things usually cost more than you anticipate. You can reduce your stress by accounting for time, as well as money. Here are some time management suggestions:
Nothing beats talking with renovation contractors. They’re the real industry experts. Many have years of invaluable experience in remodeling exteriors. Most have seen and solved more problems than you can imagine.
But not all remodeling contractors are equal. Not by any means. Some are reputable professionals who have built remodeling companies that have survived years. They’re successful because they know their business, they know their costs and they know how to work with their clients.
The best use of your planning time is in selecting your renovation contractor. Start early on this, and you’ll be rewarded with minimal stress and a smooth job.

Selecting a Remodeling Contractor

As a beginning renovator, you’ll never regret the amount of time spent in qualifying and selecting your remodeling contractor. You’re going to spend a lot of future time with them, and you want that relationship to be excellent. Renovators are people like anyone else. They have different skills, experiences and personalities. Here’s what to look for in a contractor who complements you:

Contact Projects General Construction for Your Remodeling Project

Projects General Construction is a leading remodeling professional serving the Santa Barbara area. We’ve worked with many satisfied customers, and often get involved in the renovation project’s early stages. We’re used to working with beginner remodelers and understand the challenges they face.
The renovation experts at Projects General Construction help you with all stages of your remodeling project. We work with you to make that list of musts, wants and dreams, and then turn it into a realistic budget before starting. We’re a great source of information. We give you affordable options and alternatives to material choices, as well as all design and permitting requirements.
Projects General Construction is your leading provider of all remodeling services.  Contact Projects General Construction today.

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